Thursday, March 31, 2011

Louisiana Men's Conference May 5-7

One of the most rewarding endeavors in my personal life has been the opportunities afforded to be involved in Men's Ministry and most especially the Louisiana District Men's Conference that is held in Tioga each year. This life changing meeting continues now since 1987 and I am always amazed at the intensity and passion that literally exudes from the men who faithfully gather at this timely meeting.

This year will be no exception as great men of God gather to hear these great speakers: Brian
Kinsey, Florida; Jimmy Toney, Indiana; Charles Nugent, Lake Charles; David Shatwell, Oklahoma, Kevin Cox, Louisiana, and Jerry Dean, Louisiana. Each of these men of God will bring the conference attendees to a fresh encounter with God. The 2011 theme is R.U.N. which is an acronym for Renewing ... Unleashing ... Now!

I have a dream of seeing the Tabernacle on the Camp Ground in Tioga full of good godly men who are hungering for more of God. If each man would bring one other man we could easily fill up the Tabernacle. From the opening "Clap your hands and shout unto God" the house of God
reverberates with strong male voices reaching out to God. Join us this year. You can register online for $35.00 at

Pastor Tim Mahoney will host a Men's Conference 4 man scramble golf tournament at Oak Wing Golf Course in Alexandria at 11:00 May 5th. The cost per person is $50. The winners will be recognized during the Men's Conference. To register a team for this tournament call Pastor Mahoney at 337-794-1643.

It's time to R.U.N.

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